

Does your nose often feel stuffy or runny? These symptoms can make life difficult. They may also indicate a deeper problem, like chronic rhinitis or nasal obstruction. Millions of people deal with these conditions every day. You may not have to be one of them.

Symptoms of chronic rhinitis:

  • Persistently runny nose
  • Post-nasal drip
  • Nasal congestion
  • Sneezing

Chronic rhinitis results in a persistently runny nose and often postnasal drip, congestion, coughing, itching, and sneezing. While some symptoms may be related to allergies, symptoms from chronic rhinitis may occur all year.

This challenging condition can negatively impact your life in countless ways. And trying to find an effective treatment can be frustrating. Like many, you may manage your symptoms using medications and sprays. Unfortunately, these treatments only provide temporary relief. It’s only when the root cause of your rhinitis is addressed that you can expect to find real, lasting relief.

Call Mile High Otolaryngology at (303) 487-0834 for more information or to schedule an appointment.